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Where to Find Firewood in The Summer & Top 6 Ways to Use It

If you think that ordering well-seasoned firewood in the preserve of the cooler months, think again! In fact, firewood plays a huge role in helping us to bring the indoors out during the summer.

The only problem is, it becomes much more difficult to source good firewood during the summer. Local suppliers run out of dry wood. Fortunately, we have the solution!

Here at Lumbajak Firewood, we carry plenty of stock of premium Redgum firewood all year-round and deliver wood directly to your home or business. It’s never been easier to source quality firewood, so there’s no excuse for not enjoying an outdoor fire with friends and family this summer!

An increasing number of customers choose to buy firewood in the summer and for some very good reasons. Read on to learn more about what makes Lumbajak Firewood the best firewood available and find out top 6 ways to use it in the summer.

Where to Get the Best Firewood During the Summer

We take our business very seriously, which is why we supply only the best firewood there is in terms of quality & standards. Here are a few quick highlights:

  • Our wood is well– seasoned, dry Redgum Firewood. All less than 25% moisture.

  • Each piece is hand selected to ensure consistent quality.

  • The wood is easier to light, creates less smoke, and smells great.

  • Burns hotter and longer due to its dense and compact nature.

  • No chopping. The wood supplied in the size you want for your application.

  • Excellent customer service.

  • Complimentary delivery to most areas.

People love our firewood because it’s super convenient and provides an amazing experience, every time. We’re confident that you’ll love Lumbajak Firewood too!

Top 6 Ways to Use Firewood in The Summer

Woodfire Pizza ovens

Wood fired pizza ovens are an excellent feature to your homes that draws the envy of family and friends. It makes cooking a fun and flavour-filled experience for all involved. Wood-fired ovens cook at very high temperatures (around 400 degrees), unlike domestic ovens that just can’t get that hot. They are not just great for cooking pizzas either. If you sweep out the embers and let it cool a bit, the oven makes the perfect environment for slow roasting.

Our well-seasoned premium Redgum firewood provides a clean, hot burn, ideally suited for creating the perfect pizza. Don’t just think the wood as a fuel or heat source, think of it as an ingredient.

Our firewood will give your food that authentic smoky flavour you want when making wood fired pizza. We recommend ordering bottle size wood for large pizza ovens. For small mobile type pizza ovens, we recommend ordering our stick wood.

Campfires & Cooking

Campfires are great fun at any age and will keep you warm on a chilly evening. Importantly, using well-seasoned firewood rather than poor quality, ‘green’ wood to fuel your campfire will ensure that you can enjoy this traditional summer pastime without being drowned in a thick cloud of smoke. Freshly cut, ‘green’ wood, generates more smoke and fumes while it burns and therefore, is a stronger pollutant than seasoned wood.

Whether you use campfire for warmth, cooking or both - our premium Redgum firewood is an excellent slow burner which produces hot flames with less smoke, which makes it an ideal heat source for both activities.

Fire pits

Fire pits make a stylish feature to any back garden and come in a variety of sizes and materials. They are ideal, whether it’s for roasting marshmallows, cooking a BBQ feast, or just conversing around the warmth of the licking flames. If you have a large fire pit and want to enjoy a truly spectacular fire, then we recommend ordering our premium Redgum wood split into the size of ‘Big Bertha’ or ‘Overnighters’.

Big Bertha – they are exactly what they sound like – largest pieces in our range for the mega-fire enthusiast. Burns incredibly well & lasts the longest. It’s a fun way to enjoy a long summer night and not need to keep adding firewood a whole time.

We also offer Overnighters – large pieces with smaller ones mixed in generally. They can burn for hours at a time & it’s a popular choice for outdoor fire pits.


A wonderful way to bring warm and cosy ambience to your patio. It will allow you to enjoy sitting outside for longer on fine summer’s evening. Unlike a fire pit, the fire in a chiminea is contained. It is enclosed in a bow that has sides all the way up to the chimney. The smoke is then forced out of the chiminea which helps prevent your patio from getting overly smoked – though using Lumbajak well-seasoned, dry Redgum firewood will also serve to reduce smoke.

Wood burning Stoves

Unfortunately, not every day in Adelaide, South Australia is a warm one. It’s always useful to have firewood on hand in readiness to fire up your wood-burning stove on that unexpected chilly evening.

Cooking on Fire

If you spend enough time around the fire, then you’re going to get hungry! Humans have cooked over wood fires for thousands of years, and it’s making a comeback.

Gas ovens and microwaves may be convenient, but they cannot replace the incredible flavour that comes from cooking over wood. If you’re looking for premium quality cooking wood – we’ve got you covered! Don’t forget that everything that goes into to dish is an ingredient, firewood included.

Summertime is meant to be delicious, so start it right by cooking with Lumbajak Firewood!

How to order Firewood in The Summer

If you are ready to enjoy a beautiful fire this summer, then you can place an order right now on our website or give us a call on 8166 2681.


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